Reddy, T. B. K.Riley, RobertWymore, FarrellMontgomery, PhillipDeCaprio, DaveEngels, ReinhardGellesch, MarcelHubble, JeremyJen, DennisJin, HengKoehrsen, MichaelLarson, LisaMao, MariaNitzberg, MichaelSisk, PeterStolte, ChristianWeiner, BrianWhite, JaredZachariah, Zachariah K.Sherlock, GavinGalagan, James E.Ball, Catherine A.Schoolnik, Gary K.2012-01-112012-01-1120082009-1Reddy, T. B. K., Robert Riley, Farrell Wymore, Phillip Montgomery, Dave DeCaprio, Reinhard Engels, Marcel Gellesch, Jeremy Hubble, Dennis Jen, Heng Jin, Michael Koehrsen, Lisa Larson, Maria Mao, Michael Nitzberg, Peter Sisk, Christian Stolte, Brian Weiner, Jared White, Zachariah K. Zachariah, Gavin Sherlock, James E. Galagan, Catherine A. Ball, Gary K. Schoolnik. "TB database: an integrated platform for tuberculosis research" Nucleic Acids Research 37(Database issue): D499-D508. (2009)1362-4962 effective control of tuberculosis (TB) has been thwarted by the need for prolonged, complex and potentially toxic drug regimens, by reliance on an inefficient vaccine and by the absence of biomarkers of clinical status. The promise of the genomics era for TB control is substantial, but has been hindered by the lack of a central repository that collects and integrates genomic and experimental data about this organism in a way that can be readily accessed and analyzed. The Tuberculosis Database (TBDB) is an integrated database providing access to TB genomic data and resources, relevant to the discovery and development of TB drugs, vaccines and biomarkers. The current release of TBDB houses genome sequence data and annotations for 28 different Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains and related bacteria. TBDB stores pre- and post-publication gene-expression data from M. tuberculosis and its close relatives. TBDB currently hosts data for nearly 1500 public tuberculosis microarrays and 260 arrays for Streptomyces. In addition, TBDB provides access to a suite of comparative genomics and microarray analysis software. By bringing together M. tuberculosis genome annotation and gene-expression data with a suite of analysis tools, TBDB ( provides a unique discovery platform for TB research.enCopyright 2008 The Author(s) This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Database: An Integrated Platform for Tuberculosis ResearchArticle10.1093/nar/gkn652188358472686437